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In addition to my mentorship programs , I'm a published author and course creator, regularly crafting content to help people learn to code, land their first job, and improve their coding life!

You can view, download and purchase my recent publications right here.

The Beginners Guide to Real-World React course cover

The Beginner's Guide to Real-World React

My course, The Beginner's Guide to Real-World React is available now and well-suited to new and aspiring developers alike.

It's perfect for those new to the React library and will teach you solid fundamentals of React development through heaps of practical lessons, projects and realistic examples.

With the course, you'll get access to:

  • 8+ hours of video,
  • 50 lessons,
  • loads of practical React advice,
  • project-based learning through building real applications,
  • step-by-step teaching and guidance from a seasoned React developer,
  • ...and much more

Learn more

From Aspire to Hired cover

From Aspire To Hired

I've helped people get into coding and land their first job as a developer. They did it. I did it. You can do it too!

This ebook pulls together a collection of my most popular articles including topics on:

  • Getting into development,
  • What to learn as a frontend developer,
  • How to look for and land a job in the tech industry,
  • ...and more

Get the ebook